Course Adoption with Follett Discover

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Follett Discover is a powerful online tool that transforms the course materials discovery and adoption process for faculty, and helps students obtain, organize, and instantly access their required and recommended course materials from within your learning management system.

Click here to demo: Follett Discover | The Faculty Experience 



Concierge Access Request

Click here to submit a request to designate a Concierge who can enter course adoptions on behalf of a faculty member. Once approved, please note that the Concierge will receive an EXTERNAL email from To finalize access, the Concierge will need to click the link in the email and create a password within 24 hours of receipt.



Utilizing actual course adoption material, workshops can be offered to train administrators and concierges. Please contact: 

Tip Sheets



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  • Why are course adoptions mandatory?

    The Higher Education Opportunity Act: Textbook Provision mandates that course materials are to be submitted by the time course registration opens for the term. In turn, the requirements—even if none—are to be integrated within the institution's internet course schedule—visible to not just current students but on an open site so that anyone can access the course and their required materials with transparency, to aid in determining the totality cost of their education.

  • When are Course Adoptions due?

    Adoptions are due at the start of registration every semester. Note: The University's Campus Store (bookstore) accepts and processes adoptions after the due date to ensure that students have access to materials needed to be successful in the classroom.

  • Am I required to use Follett Discover for course adoption?

    Faculty are not required to use Follett Discover for course adoption at this time.

  • What are benefits of using the Follett Discover system for faculty?

    The Follett Discover system will allow faculty to:

    • Access Follett Discover from Blackboard to research and adopt course materials (and once the adoption is submitted, it is immediately communicated to the University's bookstore)
    • Search and adopt nontraditional materials, such as YouTube videos, open education resources, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) content
    • Access a personalized library of prior course material choices over time for easy access and use
    • Quickly see all relevant materials for the course


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  • What if the ISBN is not found in my search?

    Verify the correct 13-digit ISBN was entered, the material is not an International Edition, or an instructor/evaluation copy provided by the publisher.

  • How do I convert a 10-digit ISBN to a 13-digit ISBN?

    In English speaking countries, the 13-digit ISBN starts with 978, followed by the first nine digits of the 10-digit ISBN with the last digit calculated based on an algorithm. If you only have a 10-digit ISBN, use this link to convert to a 13-digit ISBN (Link is to the Library of Congress/Preassigned Control Number Program). 

  • Why is the 13-digit ISBN on the Instructor copy not found?

    The ISBN located on a review or Instructor copy often differs from the ISBN the students need to purchaseRefer to your 'My Library' materials or search by author, title within Follett Discover. If needed, contact for assistance in locating the correct ISBN. 

  • What is a Bundle, and is the ISBN different?

    A Bundle is a material comprised of at least two unique materials with independent ISBNs. When these materials are bundled, a unique ISBN is assigned. Bundles typically include a printed material and a courseware material. (Example: Stewart Calculus textbook bundled with WebAssign Courseware.) 

    In most instances, Bundles are less expensive than when purchasing the components separately. However, If the student prefers an all-digital format, purchasing just the Courseware might be their best option as most Courseware platforms also include a digital copy of the textbook. 

  • Why is the digital ISBN not found in Follett Discover?

    The same title can have multiple digital ISBNs assigned. The ISBN is unique to that platform or provider. (Example: A Kindle ISBN will differ from our Brytewave ISBN.) 

    Note: When you adopt the bound book ISBN and a digital book is available through Brytewave, it will automatically adopt as the eBook to the course. 

  • What is an ASIN, and can I use it in Follett Discover?

    ASIN stands for 'Amazon Standard Identification Number.' ASIN are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers exclusive to Amazon. Most ASIN numbers are linked to an ISBN.  

    Note: ASIN numbers are not recognizable in Follett Discover. 

Adopting Materials for a Course

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  • Do I have to adopt all section components that are in CaneLink?

    The School Scheduler or the Department Administrator can allocate each section by a variety of components in CaneLink, and the selected components determine if materials are required. The standard is approximately 2,500 courses/sections that require an adoption or notification of required materials. The University's Campus Store (bookstore) will automatically adopt NO Required Materials on the bulk of courses; however, during the adoption process, verification is needed for components defined as 'Distance Learning, Flipped Classroom, Harkness, and Lecture.' Because there is no constant variable with Independent Study and Laboratory, you must clarify and ensure that all courses designated in these categories are captured with required materials. Note: Should a NO Required Materials course require materials, please submit accordingly so we can ensure the materials are researched, sourced, and available. 

  • When I adopt materials for a course, should I separate BY section or adopt for ALL sections?

    Separate BY section IF: 

    • Academic Freedom applies-the ability for the faculty to adopt materials of their choosing versus a department directive (i.e., ENG 105, CCA 151, JMM 108, etc.)   
    • The materials are standardized by a department directive BUT not all sections are defined as lecture, requiring students to also enroll in a discussion/lab/clinical for the course (i.e., NUR 308, PHY 101, MTH 141, etc). 

    Adopt for ALL sections IF: 

    • The materials for ALL sections are the same materials regardless of Faculty assigned and the sections are only defined as Lecture or Lab (i.e., ACC 211,CHM 113, MKT 201, MGT 401, SPA 101, etc.) 

  • How do I know if I am I adopting BY section or for ALL sections?

    IF the Department, Course, Section-CRN, and CaneLink Term ID are visible with assigned faculty, you are adopting BY section.

    See example below:

    IF just Department and Course Number are visible, you are adopting for ALL sections assigned to that course.

    See example below:

  • What is the My Library feature in Follett Discover?

    The 'My Library' feature grants you the ability to import prior term materials, adopt materials with ease, and organize your library by creating bookshelves.


If you have any questions on course adoption or access, please contact Jesus Solis, Course Materials Market Manager, at: or Donnice Peeples, Campus Store Manager, at:
