Canes Course Pack Program

Quick Links: OverviewOpt-Out – ResourcesFrequently Asked QuestionsSupport


University of Miami students can benefit from the Canes Course Pack, which will provide students with the required course materials they need on the first day of class.

What is the Canes Course Pack?

The Canes Course Pack provides students with access to their required course materials at the start of each semester. For additional details on what is included, please see the FAQ titled What's included in the Canes Course Pack.

The Canes Course Pack allows the University to reduce student course material costs compared to traditional print text, and ensures every student can access their course materials on or before the first day of class.

This program allows students to focus on their education instead of researching, sourcing, and purchasing their course materials out-of-pocket.

How does it work?

Undergraduate students taking between 1 and 20 credits are automatically enrolled in the Canes Course Pack when they register for their courses. This enrollment will provide students with the required materials for class for one low, flat fee. Course materials will be provided to the student in a digital format, or a physical format when digital is not available. Print materials do not need to be returned at the end of the semester. For additional details on what is included, please see the FAQ titled What's included in the Canes Course Pack.

How much will it cost?

The total cost of the program is $402 per semester for the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar, reflected on the student’s account as two separate charges: Course Materials Fee - $375.70 and Course Materials Tax - $26.30. The program fee covers any number of credits taken between 1 and 20, regardless of the specific number of credits enrolled. Your calculated tuition and fees can be accessed on CaneLink.

What are the program benefits?

  • Convenient, easy, and immediate access to your required course materials.
  • Up to 60% savings on materials.
  • Higher student success and preparedness.
  • Ensures students have correct materials, editions, and formats.
  • Negotiated price discounts through publisher relationships.
  • Flexibility and student choice to participate or opt-out of Canes Course Pack.
  • Reduce stress and uncertainty by having materials ready for you on the first day of class.
  • Avoid long lines and heavy books through the digital-first program.


Spring 2025 Deadline: January 29

Students who do not wish to participate in the program can opt-out on a semester-by-semester basis during the scheduled opt-out period. Please note that if you opt-out of the program, you will be responsible for obtaining course materials on your own. Additional opt-out instructions can be found below, as well as in the FAQs.

Note: After completing the Opt-Out process, you can expect to see the credit reflected on your account between 3-5 business days. Please check CaneLink for your student account detail.


The opt-out window for spring 2025 has closed.

Deadline was January 29th.

Opt-Out Instructions

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  • Option 1: Opting out via Customer Portal link

    • Students can opt-out via the orange opt-out button that has been placed in the section below or on CaneLink, under the Canes Course Pack section.
    • Click Create an Account. The student will then be asked to add their email to the site. It should be their primary .edu email.
    • An opt-out email will be sent to that student's email address.
    • Student should follow the link in the opt-out email back to the portal from the email they just requested and received.
    • Create a password.
    • Click the opt-out button listed in the portal by their name and the courses they enrolled in.
    • An email confirmation will be sent when finalized.
      • If the student has physical material in their possession or on order for the program, a pop up will show up that lists the titles (posting cancelled or refund action required).
      • Student should contact the store via email ( or phone (305-284-4462) to set up product return to finalize the opt-out.
      • The store will finalize the opt-out once they have processed the physical product refund and provide confirmation to the student.

    If the student has a physical product, they should reach out to the store to return the product and let the store know they want to opt-out. Store can opt that student out at that time.

  • Option 2: Opting out via email from Follett

    • An email from is sent to the student’s .edu email with a link to the opt-out portal.
    • Student should follow the link to the opt-out portal login.
    • Create a password.
    • Click the opt-out button listed in the portal by their name and the courses they enrolled in.
    • An email confirmation will be sent when finalized.
      • If the student has physical material in their possession or on order for the program, a pop-up will show up that lists the titles (posting cancelled or refund action required).
      • Student should contact the store via email ( or phone (305-284-4462) to set up product return to finalize the opt-out.
      • The store will finalize the opt-out once they have processed the physical product refund and provide confirmation to the student.

    If the student has a physical product, they should reach out to the store to return the product and let the store know they want to opt-out. Store can opt that student out at that time.



Faculty Syllabus Language


Informational Flyer


Frequently Asked Questions

Accordion Group

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  • How do I know if I am included in the Canes Course Pack?

    All undergraduate students taking between 1 and 20 credits are automatically enrolled in Canes Course Pack once they register for their classes. Students will receive multiple emails to their .edu account with information on the program, how to access their materials, and how to opt-out if desired. Students who would like to review their option to opt out of Canes Course Pack can visit the FAQ titled, "Is the Canes Course Pack required, or can I opt-out?"

  • How does the program work?

    Canes Course Pack takes the hassle out of getting your required course materials by sourcing and preparing your materials for you upon course registration. This ensures undergraduate students have access to the correct course materials, on or before the first day of class, at the lowest price available. Students will be able to see charges on their tuition and fees bill in Canelink. Digital materials are available directly through Blackboard.

  • How do I pay for course materials included in Canes Course Pack?

    The cost of materials is included in your tuition and fees bill. The total cost of the program is $402 per semester for the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar reflected on the student’s account as two separate charges: Course Materials Fee - $375.70 and Course Materials Tax - $26.30. The program fee covers any number of credits taken between 1 and 20, regardless of the specific number of credits enrolled. Your calculated tuition and fees can be accessed on CaneLink.

  • What's included in the Canes Course Pack?

    Sourceable course materials in both digital and print format are included in the program, as well as access codes/courseware. Also included are lab goggles, lab coats and basic calculators for psychology and accounting (basic beginner model for exams). Course materials must be required/adopted by faculty for them to be included in the program. 

    Please note that some software subscriptions and experiential learning materials may only be purchased directly from the vendor. If you are unsure whether your class materials are included in the Canes Course Pack, please email along with a copy of your syllabus.

  • How often are materials supplied?

    Required materials are supplied at the beginning of each semester. The materials will be accessible on or before the first day of class. Please continue to check your school email before the start of each semester.

  • Do I need to return my print materials at the end of the semester?

    Print materials do not need to be returned at the end of the semester and are yours to keep.

  • Will I save money?

    Yes! Students can save up to 60% based on savings at other schools and thanks to the campus store relationships with publishing partners and bulk purchasing power. The program also reduces student stress during the purchasing process and provides a method to easily access digital course materials.

  • Is the Canes Course Pack required, or can I opt-out?

    While all undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in the program at the point of registration, students not interested in participating can opt-out.

    Students who opt out of Canes Course Pack are responsible for finding and purchasing their required course materials on their own. All materials will be available at the campus store, where you can pick from different formats and pricing options. There is no penalty for opting out and students will be refunded their program charge. Students must opt-out by the opt-out deadline each semester.

    NOTE: If there are no course materials required for your classes, you still need to opt-out.

    Please check your school email address for information on how to login to the Customer Portal and review the process and specific deadlines. The email will come from; you may need to check spam or junk folders.

    For any inquiries regarding material access, please email:

  • If there are no course materials required for my classes, do I still need to opt-out?

    Yes. Any undergraduate student who does not want to be in the program must opt out each semester.

  • Do I need to opt-out if I am in Study Abroad?

    Study Abroad is excluded from Canes Course Pack. If you are studying abroad for the semester, you do not need to opt-out.

  • Can exchange students be a part of the Canes Course Pack?

    The program does not include exchange students in its scope.

  • What if I opted out by mistake or changed my mind?

    If you already opted out and the opt-out period has not ended, you can opt back in during that period of time. Please log back in to the customer portal and choose "Opt-In."

  • If I opted out for the fall semester, am I automatically opted out for spring semester?

    When you opt-out it only applies to the current semester. It will not roll over, so you will need to opt-out every semester.

  • If I opted out, how soon can I expect to see my student account credited?

    After completing the Opt-Out process, you can expect to see the credit reflected on your account between 48-72 business hours. Please check Canelink for your student account detail.

  • If I see "opt-in" on my opt-out portal what does that mean?

    If the only option you see on your portal is "opt-in" that means you have successfully opted out of Canes Course Pack. You may select the opt-in option if you changed your mind and would like to participate in the program.

  • How do I get my course materials?

    Once you have selected your courses, you will be provided a digital bookshelf. E-books and courseware will be delivered to you through Blackboard. Physical materials may be picked up at the University of Miami Campus Store – 2nd floor.

    For any inquiries regarding material access, please email:

  • Can I choose if I want print or digital materials?

    Print or digital format is based on the adopted material for the specific course prior to the start of class. As a student, if you have a preferred format (print or digital) for textbooks, you should first check with your professor to see what format has been chosen for the course. If it is a digital version, you can contact the campus store for available print options.

  • What if I add or drop a course?

    If you add or drop a course, that information is automatically transmitted to the campus store. For added courses, digital materials will be emailed to your school email account or provisioned directly into Blackboard. For dropped courses, digital materials will automatically be disabled from your bookshelf. If you picked up a physical book for the dropped course, you are responsible for returning the book to the campus store.

  • What if I get an incomplete grade in a course and need additional time to access course materials?

    If that course includes digital material, the length of access is dependent on that specific material. Please contact the campus store for details.

  • Will my scholarship and grants cover the cost of the Canes Course Pack?

    If a student has available financial aid (including grants, scholarships and loans), this fee would be covered, just as any other fee or cost would be covered.

  • If I withdraw from the University, will I be refunded the Course Materials Fee?

    If you withdraw from the University prior to the opt-out deadline for that semester, you will receive a credit on your student bill. The Course Materials Fee is non-refundable after the opt-out deadline.


Courseware Support

Faculty: If faculty need assistance to add links to their course materials, they can contact the Learning Platforms team at or 305-284-3949. If there are issues beyond this, the Learning Platforms team will redirect faculty to contact

Students: Students are encouraged to engage with their professor and review the information below. Students can connect with the Learning Platforms team at or 305-284-3949 to report challenges with their browser, or access. For all other requests, students can contact

Discover Shelf BryteWave

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  • Faculty

    Publisher: Various Publishers
    BryteWave Knowledge Base:

    Campus/Faculty Integration/Setup Instructions BryteWave
    Adding the tool to your course in Blackboard:

    For all publishers that use Follett BryteWave to distribute course materials, course instructors can follow the guidance below:

    1. Navigate to the course you want to link to Follet BryteWave.
    2. If you have an Ultra Course, select the plus sign under 'Course Content' and select 'Content Market,' and select 'Follett BryteWave Deep Link.'
    3. If you have an Original Course, in the location where you would like to share the video, select 'Build Content' and select 'Follett BryteWave Deep Link.'
    4. Select 'My Shelf' and enter "BryteWave Course Materials" into the 'Link Name' box.
    5. Click "Create Link"

    Please Note:
    Due to restrictions on how the tool works, you might not have the option to impersonate a student experience. The professor and student experience are exactly the same. If you try to open this tool and you receive an error or the book isn't on your shelf, there is a chance it hasn't been provisioned to you. Please work with your campus store to help get a copy of the book. The campus store will also coordinate the provisioning of your eBook for your students.

  • Students

    Publisher: Various Publishers
    BryteWave Knowledge Base:

    Student Access Instructions

    Students will be able to access their Follett Discover Shelf via One of Three ways.
    The student’s shelf account will be created/populated on the Designated Order Release date, which is when Follett processes all orders for the ACCESS program.

    1. Follett will send an email to all students with an access link to the Follett Discover BryteWave shelf when orders are processed.
    • BryteWave (RedShelf) account will be created using the student’s academic email address that is provided to Follett.
    • An email will be sent to the student with a link to their shelf. Student should follow that link.
    • This link within the email will take the student to their BryteWave Discover Shelf account where they can log in using their academic email address and find the preloaded material on their shelf.
    • Additional support for email can be found here: BryteWave Email info

    2. Students can also use the login URL for BryteWave.
    • Log in using the URL for BryteWave:
    • Forgot your password or didn’t receive your password?


    3. Students will follow the link within Blackboard
    • Use the link in Blackboard to access your Brytewave Materials
    • Log into Blackboard and navigate to your course
    • Typically, the BryteWave Course Materials tool is located under 'Content’ on the left side navigation. Then click 'BryteWave Course Materials'. If it’s not under this section, please ask your professor where it’s located.
    • You will be taken to the Brytewave 'My Shelf' page. Click on the title you're looking to access or 'View Details' to see the details of the product.
    • Locate your eBook and click the 'Read Now' button. You will launch into your eBook in a new window.

    Additional Information: 

    Some digital products require a code to access the materials on the publisher’s website. Click Copy the Code to Clipboard and then click Access Courseware. You will paste that code in the designated field on the site you are sent to.

    If the ACCESS COURSEWARE button is not available for a specific product; you will go directly to the publisher website listed in Blackboard or use a link provided by your instructor.

    If the student has opted out or needs to opt into the Follett ACCESS program, then they will not see these materials on their shelf until they opt back into the Follett ACCESS program. Otherwise the student will need to purchase the product on their own. 

  • Troubleshooting

    If you believe you should have access to your books but your shelf is empty, contact your campus store. Provide specific details as outlined below to help resolve your issue:

    • On the site or from Blackboard verify the email address that the student is logged into on Brytewave. (Select their name in upper right corner and select ‘My Accounts
    • Attach or inserts a screenshot of the "stopping point" you hit when you are trying to access your Brytewave/RedShelf eBook.
    • The device you are using when you are experiencing this access to your eBook issue.
    Windows Desktop/Laptop
    Mac Desktop/Laptop

    • The browser you are using when you are experiencing this access to your eBook issue.
    Safari (iPhone, iPad, Mac)
    Internet Explorer
    Google Chrome

    • I’m taken to a login page instead of My Shelf, what do I do?
    Try to enable your cookies, follow these steps.
    Try another browser, we recommend Chrome. 
    Try to log in with your .edu email address and reset your password.
    Try to refresh your page, sometimes it gets stuck and won't log you in automatically.

    Knowledge Base:
    Knowledge Base Student Support:
    BryteWave Customer Support Channel 


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McGraw Connect

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  • Faculty

    Publisher: McGraw Hill

    Campus/Faculty Integration/Setup Instructions

    1. Login to Blackboard.
    2. Navigate to the course you want to link McGraw Hill course materials.
    3. If you have an Ultra Course, select the plus sign under 'Course Content' and select 'Content Market,' and select ‘McGraw Hill LTIA.'
    4. If you have an Original Course, in the location where you would like to share the video, select 'Build Content' and select 'McGraw Hill LTIA.'
    5. Select ‘Connect’ from the platform list and click Begin.
    6. Click Pair Course with a Connect Section.
    7. Sign into your Connect Account.
    8. Choose Pair with an existing section in Connect.
    9. Link the programs by selecting the section and save.
    10. You will need to create assignments in McGraw Hill Connect and select the assignments to deploy back to Blackboard.


  • Students

    Student Access Instructions

    • Sign into your Blackboard Account.
    • Navigate to your course.
    • Under your course, navigate to the content area shared by your instructor.
    • From there you should see a Connect Assignment link.
    • Click on the Assignment link and then click Launch to start the Connect Registration process.
    • Enter academic email address and click begin.
    • It will take you to account information to enter and create account for Connect.
    • Agree to terms and conditions and click Continue.
    • Here you can redeem your ACCESS code, or it could be codeless, and no payment required in Connect for Follett ACCESS.
    • The assignments will be visible in the LMS space.

    Video for Student Access: Getting started with McGraw Hill Connect using Blackboard

  • Troubleshooting

Cengage MindTap

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Harvard Coursepack

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  • Faculty

    Instructions to add the Harvard Coursepack to the Canes Course Pack Program

    1. Create your Harvard Coursepack without publishing it.

    2. Using the Follett email,, the instructor must invite the Campus Store Course Materials Manager (Jesus Solis) to be a teaching assistant for the specific course pack.

    • This will notify the Campus Store Course Materials Manager that the process has begun to make the Coursepack available at the Campus Store.

    3. The instructor will then need to add the Campus Store representative as a collaborator for the course pack (once added as a TA, the Campus Store representative should appear in the list of potential collaborators).

    • This will notify the Campus Store representative that the Harvard Coursepack can be purchased.

    4. The Campus Store representative adds the titled “Harvard Coursepack” to internal inventory system for ordering (24–48 hour process).

    5. Once finalized in their internal inventory system, the Campus Store will purchase the Harvard Coursepack for all students enrolled in your course/section. This process can take additional time (7 to 14 days).

    • Once purchased, the link will be available to view by faculty. The Campus Store representative will notify the instructor that the Harvard Coursepack has been published.

    6. The Campus Store will provision the published links to students.

    • Students who remain opted into the Canes Course Pack Program will receive a notification for them to visit the Campus Store once the Harvard Coursepack has been published by the Campus Store.

    • Students who have opted out of the program will need to purchase access at the Campus Store. The link will be provided to them upon purchase.

    Faculty can use the following syllabus language when using the Havard Coursepack:

    For this course we will be using a Harvard Coursepack. You will receive an email confirming your materials are ready for pickup. Upon receipt of the email, please bring your Student ID to the online order pickup area at the campus store to pick up your course materials. Note: If you drop this course on, or before, the last day of the DROP/ADD period (check the academic calendar here), you will need to return your physical course material to the campus store so that your account will be refunded.

    Additionally, the Campus Store representative has advised that these steps take time and therefore requests that the instructors provide their required material 45 days before classes start because some vendors have certain intricacies that require more time.

For general questions on course materials and how to access books, please contact Follett at

If you have any questions about Canes Course Pack or the charge to your student account, please contact the Office of Auxiliary Services at
